Anh hùng thời đại

đứa trẻ nằm dài trên 3 ghế trên tàu, bị người đàn ông (thản nhiên) ngồi lên (dạy 1 bài học)...

People love to moan about "the problem with the kids these days..."

...The youth in question was spread out over three seats with his feet up, engrossed (mê mải) in his phone. According to Isabel, a fellow commuter, the lad refused to move for three people.

Until this gentleman turned up and basically just sat on him. It's a bold move, but it might have paid off.

Clearly shocked, the young man pulls a genuinely priceless face, and the adult woman travelling with him makes a halfhearted (không thật tâm, không nhiệt tình) attempt (cố gắng, nỗ lực) at intervening (can thiệp).

As for the bloke (người cục mịch, người thô kệch) who's just plonked (đánh rơi (cái gì), đặt (cái gì) xuống một cách nặng nề với tiếng sấm) himself down, he just carries on as if sitting on a kid is the most normal thing in the world.

Tags: kid


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