"Brazen it out" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Bekah Russom on Unsplash.
'Brazen it out' là hành động một cách tự tin, tỏ ra tự tin khi cảm thấy sợ sệt hay không chắc chắn (coi như không có chuyện gì xảy ra dù có thể đang thấy rất lo lắng).

Ví dụ
While the airlines have complied (tuân thủ) (Indigo offers free drinking water in cups, while bottled mineral water is available for a charge), the track record of many restaurants have been dodgy (gian lận, không trung thực). This varies from either claiming that the RO Filter Machine at a restaurant is not working (a common ruse (thủ đoạn)), to placing mineral water bottles on every table and not offering regular water to the patron (khách hàng quen) unless he specifically asks for it. Some even brazen it out, opening a mineral water bottle in front of the diner and pouring it without asking (unless stopped) and then smoothly adding it to the final bill.

Bruce tried to sound convincing. “Three.” Harry frowned (nhíu mày). “But I thought … I thought that the Roadster was 3.5 litre. Are you sure?” Bruce decided to brazen it out. “Yes. It’s three.” 

After India exposed (để lộ) Pakistan's F-16 lies, Islamabad (thủ đô của Pakistan) tries to brazen it out, US seeks report. Pakistan likely to face strong scrutiny (kiểm soát).

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