"Like a dog with a bone" nghĩa là gì?

đừng hòng tôi nhả... Photo courtesy: Daniel M. Hendricks on Flickr.
'Like a dog with a bone' nghĩa là chú tâm, ám ảnh hay nói mãi về một chủ đề nào đó (giống như một chú cún mải mê với khúc xương của mình!).

Ví dụ
NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, was like a dog with a bone today. All he wanted to talk about was Allianz Stadium, as parts of the roof (phần mái) finally started to be demolished (dỡ bỏ). But he also struggled to fully explain his new tax on luxury cars.

A Kelowna man vows (thề) to keep fighting (chiến đấu) what he believes to be the artificially (nhân tạo) low property valuation for the new Tourism Kelowna information centre. Jim McMullan took his complaint to a review panel this week, but the matter has been forwarded to future appeal board proceedings. “I’m like a dog with a bone and I just won’t give up on this,” McMullan said Thursday. The crux (vấn đề nan giải) of McMullan’s complaint is the City of Kelowna struck an overly generous arrangement with Tourism Kelowna when it provided the municipally (thuộc sở hữu của thị trấn hoăc thành phố) owned waterfront land, at the end of Queensway, for the new info centre.

Now, she is planning her party and she knows exactly what she wants, and when she gets involved in a project like this, she can be very demanding. She’s not blessed with patience and tends to be like a dog with a bone.

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