Đàn gà trong sân

ở đây, có một "con gà" thôi :D

một phụ nữ 38 tuổi bị bắt vì... khỏa thân nhảy múa trong bãi đỗ xe...

...A Waffle House employee stated in the report, when he came to work on Monday Freedom Ryder Zobrist was trespassing (xâm phạm, xâm lấn) on the property (tài sản) and due to her behavior, she was asked to leave the premises.

...Zobrist advised the employee she was going to retrieve (lấy, gọi ra) a firearm and shoot him in the face and all of his employee and everyone in the store.

Zobrist then walked to the middle of the parking lot, pulled down her pants (tụt quần) exposing (để lộ) her sexual organs (cơ quan sinh dục) and started dancing around in the parking lot (bãi đỗ xe). Zobrist then approached (tiếp cận, tiến lại gần) the Waffle House employee while her pants were still down and sexual organs still exposed, and attempted to grab the man’s genitals (vùng sinh dục).

When the employee attempted to prevent Zobrist from grabbing his genitals, Zobrist lean forward and licked (liếm) the victim on both sides of his face (mặt). Zobrist was asked again to leave the premises, but instead poked the employee in his chest with her finger.

Bài trước: Luật có cấm đâu
Tags: sex


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