Đừng "chụp mũ" nhau như thế

'cuộc chiến chống ma túy' là công cụ của tổng thống mỹ nixon để "đánh" nhóm 'cực tả phản chiến' và 'người da đen'

"The Nixon campaign (chiến dịch tranh cử) in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies (kẻ thù): the antiwar left (cực tả phản chiến) and black (da màu) people. You understand what I'm saying," Ehrlichman continued.

"We knew we couldn't make it illegal (bất hợp pháp) to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate (gắn, dán nhãn, chụp mũ) the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing (quy tội) both heavily, we could disrupt (phá vỡ) those communities (cộng đồng). We could arrest (bắt giữ) their leaders (lãnh đạo), raid (khám xét, đột kích) their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify (nói xấu, lăng mạ) them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

...Ehrlichman served 18 months in prison after being convicted (kết án) of conspiracy (âm mưu) and perjury (tội khai man, phản bội lời thề) for his role in the Watergate scandal that toppled (lật đổ) his boss.

"This is a frightening confirmation (xác nhận đáng sợ) of what many of us have been saying for years. That this was a real attempt by government to demonize (biến thanfh quỷ) and criminalize a race of people," Sharpton told the Daily News. "And when we would raise the questions over that targeting, we were accused of all kind of things, from harboring criminality (che giấu tội phạm) to being un-American and trying to politicize (chính trị hóa) a legitimate concern."

Tags: economics

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