Mua xe lần đầu chọn số sàn hay số tự động?

quay lại xe số sàn để an toàn hơn, vì hiện người lái quá phụ thuộc vào công nghệ...

Technology meant to save us from distraction (không bị phân tâm) is making us less attentive (ít chú tâm).

I was backing my wife’s car out of our driveway when I realized I wasn’t watching the backup camera, nor was I looking out of the rear window. I was only listening for those “audible proximity alerts” (báo động vật ở gần) — the high-pitched beeps that my car emits as I approach an object while in reverse. The problem was that my wife’s car, an older model, doesn’t offer such beeps.

I had become so reliant on this technology that I had stopped paying attention, a problem with potentially dangerous consequences.

...“Many drivers are not aware of the limitations” of the technology. The report also found that one in five drivers were just like me — they had become so reliant on the backup aids that they had experienced a collision or near miss while driving other vehicles.

Tags: health


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