
hàng chục năm qua, cứ tưởng trầm cảm chỉ là bệnh của nước giàu, vài năm gần đây, có người làm luận văn tiến sĩ ở Zimbabwe mới phát hiện ra rằng... cũng phổ biến ở nước nghèo,

-> 'ơ quả mơ có hột', thiếu ăn, thiếu mặc, thiếu tiền, xã hội bất công... thì bế tắc, trầm cảm thôi, thế mà cũng nghiên cứu,

đúng là có câu: 'các nhà khoa học làm phức tạp mọi thứ' :D

When Vikram Patel first began to study mental health (sức khỏe tâm thần, sức khỏe trí não), he believed depression (trầm cảm) only existed in rich nations. But today, he is the single most influential figure in the growing global movement to treat mental illness in poor countries, especially the most common disorder (rối loạn), depression.

In 1993, Patel, who was born in Mumbai, finished his training as a psychiatrist (nhà tâm lý học) in London and moved with his wife to Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, to begin a two-year research fellowship at the national university. His purpose was to find evidence (bằng chứng, chứng cứ) for the view, then widespread among psychiatrists, that what looked like depression in poor countries was actually a response to deprivation (bị tước đoạt, túng thiếu, nghèo khó) and injustice (bất công) – conditions stemming from colonisation (thực dân hóa). The remedy (phương thuốc cứu chữa) in such cases, he believed, was not psychotherapy, but social justice.

The most common illness had a name: kufungisisa, a word in Shona, the local language, which means excessive worry about a problem. Many of the healers said kufungisisa was not an illness, but a reaction to the stresses of life, such as poverty or illness. Aha! Patel thought. It was as he expected: in Zimbabwe, mental suffering was being caused by social injustice.

Bài trước: Chừa chưa
Tags: health


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