Lịch sử tư tưởng kinh tế

thảo luận về thị trường tự do, giải điều tiết, tư nhân hóa... là không được nhé,

A Beijing think tank struggles (vất vả) to survive (tồn tại).

...For months, the organization had been harassed (quấy rầy) at its converted (đổi, biến đổi) western Beijing apartment by a rotating (luân phiên nhau) cast of angry visitors: a landlord (chủ nhà) claiming it was violating (vi phạm) the terms of its lease (điều khoản hợp đồng thuê nhà), tax collectors (nhân viên thuế vụ) demanding to inspect (kiểm tra, thanh tra) financial records (báo cáo tài chính), bureaucrats citing violations of unspecified (không xác định cụ thể, mơ hồ) municipal regulations (quy định thành phố).

Jiang was at his desk that afternoon when Unirule’s landlord arrived, accompanied by a property manager and a team of construction workers carrying power tools, a welding torch, and a reinforced metal door. Security doors aren’t uncommon in Chinese residential buildings, and at first Jiang wasn’t particularly alarmed. Then something astonishing happened: The workers began welding the door across the entrance to Unirule’s office, sealing Jiang and several colleagues inside. He protested and took photos, but the workers refused to stop. Not knowing what else to do, Jiang called the police. Soon, officers arrived and persuaded the building caretaker to let the Unirule staffers out. When they returned the next day to collect their belongings, the metal door was secured in place again. A few days after that, two security cameras were set up outside.

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