Vô địch làm tình

79 ngày liên tiếp (hơn 2 tháng),

đó là bọ que ấn độ

THEY might be small, but these sex-crazed (say mê, điên cuồng) insects (sâu bọ, côn trùng; (nghĩa bóng) đồ nhãi nhép, đồ sâu bọ, đồ giun dế) prove (chứng tỏ) that size doesn't matter (kích cỡ không là vấn đề) when it comes to getting down and dirty.

From bugs (con rệp) with eyes on their penises (mắt ở dương vật) to critters (sinh vật sống) who have nonstop sex for 79 days, it's not surprising that the tiny creatures are great at reproducing (sinh sản; sao chép lại, mô phỏng).

A fascinating (hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn, quyến rũ, thú vị) new book lays bare (tiết lộ, bóc trần, vạch trần) the bedroom antics of the little creatures, including the lazy bedbugs that penetrate their lovers' stomachs and the water boatmen that rub their own penises to 'make music'.

But it's not all fun in the world of insect sex - some critters facing injury (chấn thương), exploding testicles (nổ tinh hòan) and even certain death when they engage in the activity.

...When it comes to lasting as long as possible in bed, Indian stick insects are the champions (nhà vô địch). The creatures, who are kept as pets in some UK homes, have apparently been known to stay glued together (dính chặt vào nhau) for 79 days in 'an extreme sport version of tantric sex'.

Tags: indiasex


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