Baa, Baa, Black Sheep...have you completed your homework?

đếm cừu, không phải để ngủ, mà là đếm số học sinh :)

một nông dân nghĩ ra sáng kiến này, bổ sung cho lớp thứ 11 của trường, vì nếu không, cả trường chỉ còn 10 lớp, và số học sinh mỗi lớp lại tăng lên quá 24 em/lớp, điều các phụ huynh không muốn (và chính sách của tổng thống pháp macron cũng là vậy)

A farmer in France has taken a unique idea to boost student numbers at a primary school, enrolling 15 sheep to save classes that were at risk of being cancelled.

The school in Crêts en Belledonne, a village in the Alps, was told that one of its 11 classes would be closed after numbers fell from 266 to 261.

A group of parents were against the proposal to scale back the number of classes to 10, as it would mean the average number of students in each class would rise from 24 to 26.

...The mayor of the town, Jean-Louis Maret, supported the parent's efforts in recognizing the sheep as students and hit at the government's “annoying threshold logic” that prompted the threat of closure.

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