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Sinh vật ở Philippine ăn đá và ị ra cát :)
This creature (sinh vật) eats stone. And when it excretes (thải; bài tiết), what comes out is sand, the leftovers (thức ăn thừa) of a still-mysterious (vẫn còn là một sự bí ẩn) digestion (tiêu hóa) process. 

The mollusk (động vật thân mềm), unearthed (dưới lòng đất) from the bottom of a river in the Philippines, was introduced this week by an international group of scientists in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It is a shipworm (con hà), a group of burrowing (đào lỗ) animals related to clams (con trai), but so different from known examples that it is both a new species (loài) and genus (giống).

Shipworms are usually known for their habit of eating wood. It’s right there in the name: They use their shells (vỏ), attached to one end of their bodies, as chewing devices to burrow into and consume ship bottoms (đáy tàu), docks and any other submerged wood. 

Wood-eating shipworms fascinate (hấp dẫn) scientists because they digest pulverized wood (bột gỗ) with the help of symbiotic bacteria (vi khuẩn cộng sinh) that live in their gills (mang).

Tags: science

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