Hết lòng phục vụ khoa học

Phi hành gia bỏ lại... cứt trên Mặt trăng, 

With the Apollo 11 moon landing (đáp xuống mặt trăng), astronauts took that microbial (vi trùng, vi khuẩn) life to the most extreme environment it has ever been in. Which means the human feces (phân, cứt) on the moon — along with bags of urine (nước tiểu), food waste, vomit (bãi nôn), and other waste that also might contain microbial life — represents a natural, though unintended, experiment (thí nghiệm).

The question the experiment will answer: How resilient (phục hồi) is life in the face of the brutal (khắc nghiệt) environment of the moon? And for that matter, if microbes can survive on the moon, can they survive interstellar travel (du hành giữa các vì sao), making them capable of seeding life across the universe, including on places like Mars?

Tags: funny

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