Nghỉ ngơi (Taper) đúng cách để chạy marathon tốt hơn

Gặp gấu trên đường đua thì cũng như nhau cả thôi :)
A group of runners experienced a stunning (tuyệt đẹp) sight last weekend as a bear temporarily halted (dừng lại) the Leadville Trail Marathon in Colorado Springs

The bear appeared for only about 15-20 seconds, as it bolted (chặn) across the road, slipped (đi qua) through a gap (khoảng trống) in the runners and vanished (biến mất) into the woods. 

“Everyone froze,” Peterson said. “We let the bear do what it was going to do, and it found a gap in the runners to cross and then took off into the brush (bụi cây). Everyone just looked at each other like, ‘Did that really just happen?’ It was so casual. That was what was funny about it. In trail races, we see wildlife (đời sống hoang dã) all the time, but you never expect a bear to jump out in front of you when you’re in a mountain race.” 

Tags: health

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