Cách khui bia thần thánh

Cẩn thận lên bàn thờ luôn đấy,

Nam thanh niên phải phẫu thuật gỡ đũa ra khỏi bàn tay sau khi thể hiện cách mở bia "ngầu"

Dr. Xion Zhenfei, a hand and food surgeon at the Xiaoshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said he worked for 30 minutes to free the chopstick from his patient’s (bệnh nhân) hand,

The way the trick works is by wedging (chèn, kê) one side of the chopstick under the cap (nắp) of the beer bottle, and quickly hitting the other end with an open palm (lòng bàn tay). At least one patient allegedly hit the chopstick too hard, resulting in severe (nặng; tàn khốc) injury and nerve (dây thần kinh) damage.

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Tags: beer

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