Cần 500 anh em cùng tôi tiến lên giải phóng Washington

đỗ nam trung nói việt nam là nước lạm dụng mỹ nhiều nhất, tồi tệ nhất trong các nước...

During Wednesday’s interview, Trump also hinted (ám chỉ, ngụ ý, nói bóng gió) he might impose (áp đặt) tariffs (thuế quan) on Vietnam, describing the country as “the single worst abuser of everybody”.

“A lot of companies are moving to Vietnam, but Vietnam takes advantage (tận dụng tình thế, lợi dụng) of us even worse than China. So there’s a very interesting situation (tình huống thú vị) going on there,” Trump said.

Trump said that that the China trade tariffs were only hurting China, while the US was benefiting from the situation.

Tags: economics

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