Đặc sản nhà hàng hôm nay

một con chuột to vãi rơi từ trần nhà xuống thực đơn khách đang gọi món :D

Alisha Norman says the manager claims construction (xây dựng) is to blame (đổ lỗi).

She's not angry. She says the manager took care of her bill (hóa đơn), to compensate (bồi thường) for the lunchtime fallout (không mong muốn).

[...]The center where the restaurant is located is undergoing (trải qua) significant construction and we are confident it was directly related. We hold Buffalo Wild Wings to the highest operating standards and promptly closed the restaurant for proper remediation (sửa chữa), cleaning and sanitization (vệ sinh) [...]"

Tags: health

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