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Rắn giả chết ở đường phố New York :D
There are six venomous (có nọc độc) species to fear in the state, but it’s one of the nonvenomous “harmless” (vô hại) categories that is unpredictable (không thể đoán được) enough to count as a “zombie snake,”

The eastern hognose snake (rắn Hognose), which grows up to 4 feet, is “famous” for playing dead (giả chết) when the mood strikes it [...]They are nonvenomous and rarely (hiếm khi) bite, but could be brutal (đáng sợ) for the faint of heart (người nhát gan) when miraculously (kì diệu) springing (bật lại; lò xo) back to life.

“The hognose snake will feign (giả vờ) death by opening its mouth, rolling over on its back, and writhing (quằn quại) around. If turned over onto its belly, it will immediately roll again onto its back,

It has large fangs (răng nọc) at the back of its mouth [...] Those fangs also inject a mild (nhẹ) venom that is potent for small animal prey (con mồi), but harmless to humans,

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