"Come with receipts" nghĩa là gì?

Anh đã bị bắt vì tội đi quá tốc độ. Photo by: subspaceaddict71 on flickr

"Come with receipts" = kèm theo biên lai -> đưa ra bằng chứng về việc gì, bác bỏ điều ai vừa nói hoặc tuyên bố.

Ví dụ
"We are ready to take action on the matatu saccos involved...we have asked all those with complaints (lời phàn nàn) to come with receipts showing they have been overcharged (bị tính phí quá cao) but, unfortunately, no one has come," Ichami said.

Sure, a lot of parents might have already gone out to buy the DVD/Blu-ray copy of Infinity War for their Marvel obsessed offspring (con cháu), but that's why purchases come with receipts and shops have returns policy. Don't worry too much about it.

Unfortunately, Jessica doesn’t come with receipts, so we can only imagine the best player in baseball blowing up her phone with one-sided “Babe! Babe! A BOMB CYCLONE babe!” texts. But she can take comfort (thư giãn) in knowing that if Mike’s phone ever gets hacked, it’ll probably make for the dullest gossip ever (tin đồn nhạt nhẽo nhất).

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