"Far and wide" nghĩa là gì?

Đập thì chết nhưng đuổi thì không bao giờ hết :( Photo by: Carlos Luis Pinto on Unsplash

"Far and wide" = dài và rộng -> nghĩa là ở khắp mọi nơi.

Ví dụ
The club performs far and wide, helping make events more formal (theo nghi lễ) and festive (lễ hội). For each opening or groundbreaking ceremony (lễ khởi công) inside the province (tỉnh thành), they receive between US$128 and $300. For performances in other provinces, they charge $430.

Singers, songwriters (nhạc sĩ), and jazz musicians from far and wide made up the 57 different acts performing on indoor and outdoor stages as well as local restaurants – each with their own story that led them to the village.

It is important to not limit our assessment just to football. Sporting rebels range far and wide as Nick Kyrios reminded us a few weeks ago. His casual nature towards his sport of tennis, including spending an evening in a pub the night before a Wimbledon game and riling up (chọc tức, quấy rầy, làm nổi giận) the umpire (trọng tài môn tennis) while on the court, perhaps places elements of this personality-type into a new perspective (góc nhìn). Sport only works when people treat it with professionalism (sự chuyên nghiệp) and understand the importance of order (thứ hạng), but these dissident individuals (những cá nhân bất đồng quan điểm) flourish mostly in chaos (bạo loạn) and dysfunction (rối loạn chức năng). They're psychologically out of touch with their own industry, so they instead attempt to bend it to their will (ý chí).

Ngọc Lân

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