Lý do cao thượng

ăn trộm nhiều phao bơi để... sex, thay vì đi... hiếp dâm phụ nữ :D

Several victims (nạn nhân) told police that they had been burglarized several times by this person but only reported them on the second or third burglary of their floats.

The Florida man admitted (thú nhận) to police that he has burglarized several houses to steal (trộm) pool floats and [...] he sexually gratifies (thỏa mãn) himself with the floats and does this instead of raping women

He was arrested (bắt) and charged with burglary of an occupied dwelling (nơi ở) and petit theft (trộm vặt).

Bài trước: Thật lãng mạn
Tags: sex

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