"Jump up and down" nghĩa là gì?

Yeeeeee!!! Trúng số rồi, mua nhà thôi!!! Photo by Zachary Nelson on Unsplash

"Jump up and down" = nhảy nhô nhảy nhào -> cảm xúc trào dâng, mãnh liệt, nhất là vui sướng hoặc bực tức.

Ví dụ
Listen we're not going to celebrate (ăn mừng). We're not going to jump up and down. I'm sure we're going hug and cry. We're going to exhale (thở). But we're going to help tens and thousands of people. Getting the legislation (luật pháp) passed just pads the resume, but the friendships in the 9/11 community, on Capitol Hill and formed with all of you guys in the media, that's what means the most to me.

We have always been divided (chia cắt) as a nation. That internal conflict (xung đột nội bộ) is what has helped drive us to progress as we have. Conflict creates change. It also helps create great music. Music sparks us at a cellular level (cấp độ tế bào). It flows through us and synchronizes (đồng bộ hóa) together our right foot with our left; allowing us to shed our differences for a minute to dance, stomp, jump up and down… Community. That’s what made us great.

You wouldn’t know it from watching Yeager jump up and down as his “dad” prepares his breakfast at the office, but the 2-year-old standard poodle wasn’t always so happy.

Ngọc Lân

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