"Know my own mind" nghĩa là gì?

Vẫn mãi đứng vững trước sóng gió. Photo by Jeremy Thomas

"Know my own mind" nghĩa là cương quyết và tự tin vào ý tưởng, mục đích, kế hoạch và quan điểm của chính bản thân mình.

Ví dụ
Just know your own mind and you can accomplish (hoàn thành) anything with hard work.

Know your own mind but take advice from those you trust. Make technology your friend. Hire (thuê, tuyển dụng) well. You are only as good as the team around you. Always have a vision (tầm nhìn) and a business plan. It’s an invaluable (không giá trị) measuring tool (công cụ đo lường). Revisit (xem xét lại) this plan regularly to ensure that it stretches (vươn ra, trải ra) you and the people around you.

Work hard, know your own mind and follow your dreams. Be passionate, work hard again, and learn how to monetise (đúc thành tiền) – which is important if you want to be able to continue and make a success of your passion. Enjoy what you do (yêu công việc bạn làm) – every moment of it – because your work and life are so connected. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, ultimately (cuối cùng) it’s not worth it (không đáng).

Bin Kuan

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