Khiếp, ghê quá má ơi

Bà mẹ ba con 33 tuổi người úc chạy ra đuổi bọn choai choai đang định phá xe của mình trước cửa nhà thì cả lũ bỏ chạy luôn,

hóa ra là... mặc đồ lót rẻ tiền :D

After a few wines (rượu) last Friday night, the 33-year-old from West Melton pulled on her trusty undies (đồ lót) and climbed into bed — only to be woken (đánh thức) by loud noises and raised voices outside.

Without thinking, she ran outside telling them she’d called the police and they were on their way.

“They told me to get back in my house because I was naked (trần truồng) and they didn’t want to see it,” she said.

“I jolted back (giật lùi) inside and burst out laughing (bật cười). My favorite high-waist (cạp cao) undies had literally saved me from a scary gang (một lũ/băng đảng đáng sợ) — it’s the best security system (hệ thống bảo vệ) ever.”

Tags: sex


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