Nhà ai có gara ô tô lớn nào?

thì nhận tên lửa saturn thời kỳ apollo của nasa nhé, free, chỉ phải trả 250.000 usd phí vận chuyển thôi :D 

The booster (động cơ đẩy) is the bottom or first stage of the Saturn I, which was the United States’ first heavy-lift rocket (tên lửa), developed in the early 1960s. It was the more massive fifth version, or Saturn V, that would send Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on their trip to the moon in 1969.

We asked why they were still there, and the answer was rather simple – Because there’s no reason to move them. Unless they need to use the space, or someone is buying them, there’s no reason to spend resources on clearing them out (dọn dẹp, vứt bỏ).

Tags: science

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