"Not able to stomach" nghĩa là gì?

Vĩnh biệt cuộc đời. Photo by Seth Doyle

"Not able to stomach (something)" = Không thể tiêu hóa, không chứa thêm thức ăn nào nữa -> Thiếu sự can đảm, sự quyết tâm và ý chí để giải quyết, chịu đựng và đương đầu với một vấn đề khó khăn và sự đau khổ trong cuộc sống.

Ví dụ
While third-party hopefuls drew just under 83,000 votes in the Keystone State in 2012, they drew more than three times that number, 268,000 votes, four years later. Apparently, hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvania voters couldn’t stomach either of the major parties’ nominees (người bổ nhiệm), so they cast protest votes for third-party and independent candidates (ứng cử viên).

These two mothers said they felt bullied by social workers. "I was so insulted (lăng mạ, sỉ nhục) and so ashamed, I couldn't stomach it. I walked out. I was in tears," said one mother.

But, I couldn’t stomach the thought of being unemployed. So, I kept going in. Eventually, she’d had enough, and we split up (chia tay). I miss her every day, but I can’t say I blame her. I was insufferable (không thể chịu đựng) to be around, and she didn’t deserve that.

Bin Kuan

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