"Not born yesterday" nghĩa là gì?

Ra cái vẻ ngầu ngầu, deep deep. Photo by Baaskaa JAKAL on Unsplash 

"Not born yesterday" = không phải mới sinh ra -> Từng trải, không phải người ngây thơ, dễ bị lừa gạt 

Ví dụ 
At the same time, one must understand that these technologies were not suddenly born yesterday. These technologies were developed over several decades (nhiều thập kỷ), starting in the Soviet Union (Liên Xô) during the 1980s. 

Sounds a lot more like wishful thinking (mơ tưởng), Mac, and get in line because you’re not the first. Many are crossing their fingers and toes in hopes (đặt nhiều hy vọng) that Riley isn’t the real deal, but anybody who wasn’t born yesterday already knows the cold, hard truth (sự thật phũ phàng), and that ain’t it. 

First, losing the megacity (siêu đô thị) to the opposition in the re-run elections (cuộc bỏ phiếu tái tranh cử) — but still telling the constituency (cử tri) that it is the AKP who calls the shots. Second, harvesting the bad fruits of the laissez-faire (tự do kinh tế) approach toward Syrians from the onset (mới đầu). After all, the subjects of unregistered (đối tượng chưa đăng ký) Syrians, informal employment or businesses were not born yesterday.

Thu Phương 

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