"Put your head in the lion's mouth" nghĩa là gì?

Széchenyi Chain Bridge, Budapest, Hungary. Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash.

"Put your head in the lion's mouth" = để đầu vào miệng sư tử/miệng cọp -> nghĩa là bạn tự đặt mình vào các tình huống khó khăn, rắc rối, phiền phức hoặc thậm chí có thể dẫn tới nguy hiểm đến tính mạng.

Ví dụ
“You must put your head in the lion’s mouth for the performance (màn trình diễn) to be a success,” advised Frist, “and Don Koll has done that. He commits (cam kết) and acts to make things happen.”

"...By giving in to temptation (sự cám dỗ), you put your head in the lion's mouth, but then it closes, and no matter which way you go, you've done wrong."

"If you put your head in the lion's mouth, you shouldn't be surprised if it stays there when you decide to leave; and future Ministers for Defence (Bộ trưởng Quốc phòng) might well remember that if they ever decide to repeat the utter (kiên quyết) folly (hành động điên rồ) of the present Minister (Thủ tướng) and treat PDFORRA with the respect (sự tôn trọng) it doesn't deserve (không xứng đáng được hưởng), they can expect to leave without their heads."

Hậu Giang

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