"Roll off the tongue" nghĩa là gì?

Sáng kiến mới này có vẻ đảm bảo được riêng tư nè. Photo by ROOM on Unsplash 

"Roll/trip/slip off the tongue" = tuột khỏi lưỡi -> nói ra dễ dàng/ thú vị. 

Ví dụ 
Schadenfreude (sung sướng trên đau khổ của kẻ khác), the word really rolls off the tongue doesn't it? This German word we've co-opted (thêm vào), perfectly encapsulates (tóm gọn hoàn hảo) one of our most complex of feelings. 

Riffle told Vox that he nixed (hủy bỏ) that version because it didn't "roll off the tongue" but said he believed the underlying policy (chính sách cơ bản) was the right way to address growing wealth inequality (bất bình đẳng) in the US. 

There are other lies, too, that trip off the tongue, scattered (rải rác) throughout the film, that make it seem like lying is tantamount (ngang với) to breathing—a necessary side effect (tác dụng phụ) of the arduous work (việc khó khăn) of being alive. 

Thu Phương 

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