"The wheel has come full circle" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Lyndon Li on Unsplash 

"The wheel has come full circle" = bánh xe lại tròn -> câu chuyện trở lại như lúc xưa/ tình huống hoặc hoàn cảnh đã trở lại trạng thái ban đầu hoặc tình trạng tương tự lúc đầu. 

Ví dụ 
The wheel appears to have come full circle since Kargil. The Army continues to make itself relevant (liên quan) to the nuclear age (thời đại hạt nhân).

Myers is now a wheelie (đi một bánh) god and he hopes things come full circle when he defends his title next month. "I'm one of the best and I'm going to stay one of the best." 

So life in a weird way has come full circle and I am now a tennis pro and the immediate target (mục tiêu trước mắt) is to qualify for Tokyo for the Paralympics; and develop my game to medal (giành huy chương) in Paris in 2024. 

But now apparently the wheel has come full circle, and the ceaseless demonization (đe dọa liên tiếp) of Israel is being turned around and used to justify the old-fashioned persecution of Jews (đàn áp người Do Thái), even Jews that do not live in Israel and have nothing to do with her besides being Jewish. 

Thu Phương

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