"There is no rest for the weary" nghĩa là gì?

Chạy đi chờ chi. Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash.

"Weary" nghĩa là mệt mỏi, rã rời, "There is no rest for the weary" = mệt rồi cũng không được nghỉ -> Câu này được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh vào các tình huống mà con người cần phải tiếp tục làm việc dù có mệt mỏi đến đâu đi chăng nữa, việc làm đó là bắt buộc, không làm không được.

Ví dụ:
We are having end-of-term tests consecutively (liên tiếp) for 2 weeks. There's no rest for the weary.

People are leaving for the beach and heading out of town on vacation. Good for them. The reality is as an entrepreneur (chủ doanh nghiệp),  the work never ends. There is literally no rest for the weary.

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! No rest for the weary in Fear the Walking Dead, as the group faces new threats (mối nguy hiểm) and old friends. 

“I really haven’t gotten a break. I did get to sleep last night more than I have in a while, and it was great but we we’re back out trying to repair equipment today, you know? It’s snowing again so it’s no rest for the weary.”

Bảo Ngọc

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