Tai nghe Airpods: Phát cuồng là có thật

Vẫn đeo cả tai nghe khi đang... làm tình :D

The study was conducted (thực hiện) to explore how music influences preferences (sở thích) and expectations (mong đợi) in the bedroom, KFC bathroom, festival Porta Potty, or wherever it is one prefers to engage in sexual relations

According to the study, 57 percent of sexually active people are satisfied with their sex life, but the likelihood of sexual enjoyment varies depending on preferred genre (thể loại) of music. At the top of that list are country (đồng quê) fans, with 66.3 percent reporting satisfaction (hài lòng, thỏa mãn) with their sex life. [...] Heavy metal (một thể loại nhạc rock mạnh) and pop fans were at the bottom of the list, with 57.9 and 57.2 percent

There are many pros and cons (lợi và hại) to having sex while wearing them

Tags: sex

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