"A cat may look at a king" nghĩa là gì?

Tui cũng biết chơi máy tính đó nha!! Photo by: Sereja Ris on Unsplash

"A cat may look at a king" = con mèo có thể nhìn mặt vua -> nghĩa là ai cũng có quyền của mình, không kể vị trí/địa vị xã hội, nhất là làm những việc không ảnh hưởng/không có hại gì đến người khác.

Ví dụ
Your Excellency President of the Republic of Zimbabwe E.D. Mnangagwa. A cat may look at a King. Writing directly to you seeking (tìm kiếm) redress (khôi phục) on issues that could have been dealt with by line heads of departments shows utmost despair and desperation (tuyệt vọng).

Nial Ferguson is richer, more famous, cleverer and better looking than I am but I still think there's something that needs to be pointed out to him. On the basis that even a cat may look at a King and so on. It's about his slightly (một chút) hysterical (cuồng loạn) views on the rise of China as an economic power.

Let’s put to one side the post-modern irony of the author (tác giả) of the mighty (hùng mạnh) tome Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class ticking off the author of such whimsy as The Blind Watchmaker, The Selfish Gene and Climbing Mount Improbable. A cat may look at a king and, indeed, try to scratch his heels (gót chân).

Ngọc Lân

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