"According to Hoyle" nghĩa là gì?

Ván bài cân não. Photo by Michał Parzuchowski

"According to Hoyle" = Theo như ông Hoyle -> Theo quy định, điều lệ, kế hoạch và quy tắc. Cụm này xuất hiện từ thế kỷ 17 liên quan tới một nhà văn người Anh tên là Edmond Hoyle, ông là người đã viết ra toàn bộ quy tắc khi chơi bài.

Ví dụ
He said according to Hoyle, if a government employee has already availed withdrawal from GPF for building or acquiring a house or flat, GPF withdrawal for a second house is not permissible (không cho phép).

By contrast, managers in traditionally run organizations are often said to have a bureaucratic (quan lại) mindset when they are primarily preoccupied with making money for the company and its shareholders, when they are organizing work according to Hoyle, roles and criteria (tiêu chí) that they determine, and when they are operating the organization as a top-down hierarchy (hệ thống cấp bậc) with multiple layers and divisions.

In other words, they don’t care much for the moat-based logic of competitive advantage. I think a more apt metaphor (ẩn dụ) for these firms may be the logic of the turnstile (cửa xoáy): They want to get as many players involved in their ecosystem as possible, and to get them interacting according to Hoyle they have shaped. Of course, there are many ways these companies make money — committees, membership fees, advertising sales, and so on — but the key point with all these business models is that they work better when the ecosystem is larger. That’s why the turnstile metaphor is useful.

Bin Kuan

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