"Bag and baggage" nghĩa là gì?

Hành lý xách tay, có thể tự di chuyển Photo by Spencer Gurley from Pexels

'Bag and baggage' = túi xách và hành lý -> tất cả tài sản hoặc tất cả những thứ thuộc sở hữu của ai đó.

Ví dụ
Reports reaching from Baltal and cave shrine (nơi linh thiêng, thờ) said that all pilgrims (người hành hương) have been evacuated (di tản) from their and the langar organisations have also started packing up their bag and baggage. They are on to move towards their home states while some have already left.

Next morning before seven he was up, dressed and ready. Ready to depart (khởi hành) with bag and baggage, headphones and ‘A New Earth’, electric tooth brush and dumb-bells. The drive to his accommodation was five songs and many radio jingles long. Finally at the PG premises, she held him close and long before gently pushing him away.

“It is the result day of our lifetime,” said Fakrul Islam Khan of Kalikajari village in Assam’s Morigaon district. “If we pass, we would stay in India. Else, we would be sent to Bangladesh, bag and baggage. What Muslim leaders like Amiruddin did was a mistake (sai lầm). Had they merged (sáp nhập) us with East Pakistan, we would have been respected citizens of a free, Bengali-speaking nation.”

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