Hoàn toàn có thể

một phụ nữ thái phải vào viện để được các bác sĩ cứu chữa, vì bị ngã và (tình cờ) dưa chuột trên sàn nhà cắm vào l.. :D

A 51 year old Thai woman was recently sent to hospital complaining of vaginal pain (đau âm đạo) because she had a cucumber (dưa chuột) stuck (bị kẹt) in her ‘lady parts’ (chỗ kín).

She told hospital staff that she ‘fell’ on the cucumber. She says she fell down in her house and a cucumber just happened to be on the spot she fell and it “simply slipped inside her”.

“It was just an accident.” (chỉ là tai nạn mà thôi)

The story was reported on Thai TV by two perfectly straight-faced (mặt nghiêm (không cười)) reporters.

They reported that the hospital staff didn’t believe her story but helped rescue the cucumber and relieve the woman of her apparently unplanned discomfort (điều bực dọc, nỗi lo lắng).

Tags: sex

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