"Black and blue" nghĩa là gì?

Tự nhiên cây cột nó không né mình. Photo courtesy: obviously 5 believers

"Black and blue" = xanh và đen -> nghĩa là những vết bầm trên cơ thể do bị đánh hoặc tai nạn gây ra.

Ví dụ
She pinched (véo) her own arm until it was black and blue.

Whoever triumphs in this zone of destruction where the monsters will end up black and blue and red all over, is a determining factor in who does the conquering.

The woman told police she reached for a can of mace (bình xịt hơi cay) that she keeps by her bed. Osborne allegedly (được cho là) told her he'd leave her "black and blue" if she sprayed (xịt) him, and the two struggled for the can until they eventually rolled off the bed and onto the ground.

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