"Button your lip" nghĩa là gì?

Cách để bạn gái bớt nói: cưỡng hôn Photo by Ivandrei Pretorius from Pexels

'Button one's lip' = khóa môi lại (hay đơn giản ngậm miệng lại), 'button' là cái nút như công tắc đó các bạn -> giữ yên lặng. Câu nói mang tính bắt buộc, ra lệnh và khẩn thiết.

Ví dụ
“He restricts the Internet, so what?” Birch questioned, even as he warned the teen to “button your lip and humble your self (hạ mình).”

Asked by Humphreys whether if Mr Williamson should "button his lip", Mr Hammond hesitated before replying: "I think it is very important that we manage this relationship with China very carefully and we do it through the National Security Council."

Feige (and everyone at Marvel Studios) has been hesitant (lưỡng lự) to discuss anything about the fourth phase of the MCU, a wavering that stems from the fear of spoiling (tiết lộ) Avengers: Endgame. (The executive went so far as to button his lip about whether Marvel will even make an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con this year, as it is a potential spoiler for the upcoming film.)

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