"Drive a hard bargain" nghĩa là gì?

Rất vui khi được hợp tác với anh :) Photo by: Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

"Drive a hard bargain" = thương lượng giao kèo khó -> nghĩa là người đàm phán hoặc giao dịch viên khéo léo, kiên định/không khoan nhượng.

Ví dụ
Mr Henig argued (tranh luận) a post-Brexit deal could benefit both countries' leaders ahead of a possible early UK general election (bầu cử) and the 2020 US Presidential elections. But he warned US President Donald Trump would drive a hard bargain on trade.

Nasser Al-Khelaifi, PSG's president (chủ tịch), is known to want Neymar gone asap ("as soon as posible" càng sớm càng tốt), which is a complete about turn from his initial (ban đầu) position, but given the French side are cash rich, they can still drive a hard bargain.

As Griffith told Miningmx in April: the company is always likely to pay above inflation (lạm phát) wage (tiền lương) increases – a view he modified at the firm’s interim results presentation on July 22 when he observed that prices go up; and prices go down, suggesting the group will continue to drive a hard bargain.

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