"Fate worse than death" nghĩa là gì?

Dù cuộc sống có ra sao thì hãy luôn giữ niềm tin yêu cuộc sống Photo by Natasha Fernandez from Pexels

'Fate worse than death' = định mệnh còn tệ hơn cả cái chết -> tình huống rất khó chịu, rất tồi tệ, 'thà chết còn hơn'

Ví dụ
"It's really, really important to me for people to know this is not a worse-case scenario (viễn cảnh). This is not a fate worse than death. Life does go on and in my opinion it can only get better," she said.

That’s more than 400,000 Americans who could be saved from a fate worse than death. Young people and those with a genetic predisposition (thiên về) are most at risk, particularly during adolescence (thời thanh thiếu niên), when the brain is exquisitely vulnerable (dễ bị tổn thương).

Having to spend an hour listening to a speaker spout (nói to) platitudes (nói tẻ nhạt, nhàm chán) can be a fate worse than death, as the following true story attests (chứng nhận, chứng thực): An acquaintance spent three days in the hospital with a scary condition that even now remains undiagnosed (chẩn đoán không ra, chưa chẩn đoán được). He stopped me in the flea market to ask what church I attended.

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