"Freeze in memory" nghĩa là gì?

Tình băng giá. Photo by  Joshua Earle

"Freeze (someone or something) in (someone's) memory" = Đóng băng trong ký ức -> Lưu giữ/khắc ghi ai/điều gì trong ký ức.

Ví dụ
It’s always the evening before that’s hardest to remember. Events of years past often freeze in memory.

His memories of August 20 1989, when a boat packed with 130 ... of the Thames - caught up in the foundering boat (tàu bị chìm) - is a moment frozen in time.

Starting Thursday evening, Dec. 11, and ending by daybreak (lúc rạng đông) Friday, Dec. 12, the storm of a decade ago is frozen in the memories of those who woke in the night to the loud cracking of tree limbs (cây cành to), some which crashed onto houses and cars. Some filled roads, making them off limits for a few days.

Bin Kuan

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