"Have second thoughts" nghĩa là gì?

Mua hay không đây? Photo by Clem Onojeghuo

"Have second thoughts" = Có những suy nghĩ lần thứ hai -> Xem xét/cân nhắc lại, thay đổi ý kiển hoặc nghi ngờ điều gì đó.

Ví dụ
“I have second thoughts about everything,” he said, when asked if he had second thoughts about his calls to prohibit (ngăn cấm) U.S. companies from trading with China.

When asked about the ongoing trade dispute (cuộc tranh luận, tranh chấp) with China at the G7 Summit Sunday, President Trump admitted he may have second thoughts.

Hollyoaks' Liberty Savage will have second thoughts over carrying Sienna and Brody's baby next week. Sienna (Anna Passey) and Brody are looking into the possibility of starting a family together and agreed to begin searching for a surrogate (người thay thế, đại diện) last month.

Bin Kuan

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