"Like a bat out of hell" nghĩa là gì?

Fan cuồng nhiệt thế này cơ mà Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

'Like a bat out of hell' = giống như con dơi phi ra khỏi nơi tối tăm -> rất nhanh, bất ngờ.

Ví dụ
My sister thought she’d pass her driver’s test easily, despite minimal practice. She could drive, that was for sure, usually like a bat out of hell.

Even if you leave New York City Center after this piece of theatrical (sân khấu) madness like a bat out of hell gulping (chìm, nuốt chửng) at the night air, you may do so with a smile on your face—a baffled, stunned one, but still a smile.

I was ready to take off like a bat out of hell, sprang forward by the electric motor. I pedaled (đạp bàn đạp) once and the bike crept forward. The speedometer read two, three mph. Pedaled again, same thing. This is where I learned what pedal-assist means: you have to keep pedaling to get the boost.

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