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làm tình nhiều tăng tỷ lệ sống sót sau khi bị lên cơn đau tim...

The 1,120 male and female participants, all 65 or younger at the time of their first heart attack (cơn đau tim) in 1992 or 1993, were tracked by researchers through 2015.

By then, 524 of them had died.

Of the survivors, those who had done the deed multiple times a week were 27% less likely to die during the study period. Those who got lucky once a week were 12% less likely to die, and those who scored some tail infrequently were 8% less likely to die.

Post-heart attack intercourse was even more vital for a longer life, researchers found.

Doing it weekly following a heart attack decreased mortality rates (tỷ lệ tử vong) by 37%, more than once a week meant a 33% survival bump, and less than once a week made for a 28% increased life expectancy (tuổi thọ), compared to participants who never got any at all after their heart attack...

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