Răng giả của anh đâu?

trong cổ họng sau phẫu thuật nhé :)

The man, a retired electrician, underwent a “minor operation” to remove a benign (lành tính) lump (cái bướu, chỗ sưng u lên, chỗ u lồi lên) in his stomach when his dentures (bộ răng giả, hàm răng giả) — a metal roof plate with three false teeth — dislodged (đánh bật ra khỏi vị trí),

About six days after the procedure, the retiree complained he could not swallow solid food. He also noticed blood in his mouth. Doctors ordered a chest X-ray, diagnosed him with pneumonia (viêm phổi), and prescribed him steroids and antibiotics (kháng sinh).

But he didn’t improve and was admitted to the hospital just two days later. Medics told doctors they “spotted a semi-circular object lying across his vocal cords”. The man reportedly thought his dentures were lost while he was in the hospital to remove the lump. He then underwent emergency surgery to remove the dentures from his throat.

Tags: health


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