"Moonlight and roses" nghĩa là gì?

Đêm nay có ánh trăng kia làm chứng tình yêu đôi ta :))))). Photo by Everton Vila

"Moonlight and roses" = ánh trăng và những đóa hồng -> nghĩa là không khí lãng mạn và rất giàu cảm xúc. 

Ví dụ
Award-winning muso, Sjava, may be riding the wave of success, but that doesn't mean everything in his life is all moonlight and roses. In fact, the singer hinted that things may not be going so well for him.

If you thought marriage to Barack Obama seemed all moonlight and roses, Michelle Obama begs to differ. The former First Lady brought the publicity tour for her best-selling memoir (hồi ký) to Britain last night, and with it some straight-talking (nói thẳng thắn) about relationships. "When I talk to young people just starting to get married, I say: there are going to be huge chunks of time where you want to push him out the window," she said.

I hopefully have shown you a cursory glimpse (cái nhìn lướt qua) of some of the ways AI-based (dựa trên trí tuệ nhân tạo) software can transform MSAs in a positive way. But I would be remiss (tắc trách) if I made it sound like the transition to new systems is all moonlight and roses. Change is hard. People are used to doing things in very specific ways. It may take time to find and implement the right system as well as train the team on how to use it. But consider the alternative.

Bin Kuan

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