"My way or the highway" nghĩa là gì?

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'My way or the highway' = chọn theo đường của tôi hoặc không thì tự đi đường khác -> hoặc là làm theo cách của tôi hoặc là đừng xía mũi vào hay tham gia vào, một kiểu người bảo thủ với ý kiến của mình

Ví dụ
I have a new boss who will not yield (chịu thua) an inch. It is “my way or the highway” with her. She’s a classic you know what! (And I’m a woman, so I can say that.) I think she has a problem with other women. How do you suggest dealing with a boss like that?

On July 16 — her 50th birthday — Rain shared with her Facebook followers that she officially registered to run for the Baltimore City Council. Her aim is to unseat (cách chức) Councilman Ryan Dorsey, whose behavior she describes as “my way or the highway,” according to the Baltimore Sun.

Sometimes referred to as “absolutist” thinkers (Buehl & Alexander, 2001) these individuals operate under the maxim (châm ngôn) of “my way or the highway,” showing little interest in changing perspectives (quan điểm), often passionately refuting (bác bỏ) the ideas of others. The absolutist is firmly convinced there is only one way of doing things, their way.

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