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netflix từ giờ thường xuyên dừng serie phim ở mùa hai, kể cả khi bộ phim này rất được ưa thích, vì nghiên cứu ra là mùa 3, 4 hay trở về sau cũng ko mang lại thêm nhiều người đăng ký mới, và các nhà sản xuất phim thường đòi tăng giá hợp đồng sau 2 năm.

[Netflix] now routinely ends shows after their second season, even when they’re still popular. Netflix has learned that the first two seasons of a show are key to bringing in subscribers—but the third and later seasons don’t do much to retain or win new subscribers.

So the company is trying to get new subscribers, and wants to keep old subscribers just happy enough to not quit the service. And there’s this other tidbit:

Ending a show after the second season saves money, because showrunners who oversee production tend to negotiate a boost in pay after two years.

This passage, and the whole article, is framed by the notion that Netflix is becoming more budget conscience and metrics-driven. But really Netflix’s strategy is straightforward market power exploitation. The company is cancelling shows that subscribers like, so it won’t have to pay creators the amount they would otherwise be able to get for making good commercially successful art. In other words, Netflix is subtly raising prices on subscribers and paying creators less for their work.

Tags: economics

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