"Pardon me for breathing" nghĩa là gì?

Tha thứ cho tớ nhá. Photo by  Abo Ngalonkulu

"Pardon me for breathing" = Xin lỗi vì đã thở -> Sự phản ứng lại đầy tức giận và điên lên khi bạn bị chỉ trích và khiển trách một cách vô lý và không công bằng.

Ví dụ
Marvin: “Sorry, did I say something wrong? Pardon me for breathing which I never do anyway so I don’t know why I bother to say it oh God I’m so depressed.”

Pardon me for breathing if you’ve read this before, but something and everything about that passage comes around again each January – even 60 years after Alan Sillitoe first wrote it. His 1959 novella The Loneliness of The Long-Distance Runner, a mere 40-page spread within a collection of short stories, is still among the best examples of running literature, if only fleetingly capturing the pure essence (bản chất trong sáng) and purpose of why people run.

May 21st. Another row with G. He blew my second candle out, he said one was enough. It wasn’t, though. I couldn’t see to read anymore. He drives me mad—it’s like living with a policeman. It always was, even before the Collapse. “The earth has enough for everyone’s need, but not for everyone’s greed” was his favorite. Nobody likes being labelled greedy. I called him Killjoy and he didn’t like that. “Every one of us takes about twenty-five thousand breaths a day,” he told me. “Each breath removes oxygen from the atmosphere and replaces it with carbon dioxide.” Well, pardon me for breathing! What was I supposed to do—turn into a tree?

Bin Kuan

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