"Pedal to the metal" nghĩa là gì?

Cảnh sau thế nào không ai rõ Photo by Vova Krasilnikov from Pexels

'Pedal to the metal' cụm từ này có nguồn gốc từ những năm 1950 khi sàn xe làm bằng kim loại. Lái xe, nhất là những tay đua phải nhấn chân ga chạm tới sàn xe để xe chạy nhanh nhất có thể -> nghĩa là lái xe rất nhanh (hết tốc lực); nghĩa khác là nỗ lực hết sức vào việc gì.

Ví dụ
As a number of Chinese tech companies put the pedal to the metal in the race to dominate (thống trị) the autonomous vehicle industry, a major global information provider is proceeding (tiến hành) with caution with regard to predicting the industry’s near-term growth.

By mid-August, Sunfest 2019 will have come and gone but that doesn’t mean the action is over in Lake Cowichan. Organizers have the pedal to the metal these days, preparing for the Town of Lake Cowichan’s 75th Anniversary celebrations which run the weekend of Aug. 16 to 18.

We have known each other with Balàzs, SWG’s co-founder, for a long time. I knew he was working in the gaming business and pitched him my ideas. We have been working together ever since. After creating mobile games for a while, we decided to push the pedal to the metal and gathered a team for a more ambitious project – The Padre.

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