Mỗi thầy cô giáo là một tấm gương để học sinh noi theo

giữ xe cô giáo vì bằng lái hết hạn, phát hiện thêm cocaine và heroin trong xe :D

...deputies with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office found numerous bags of what they believed to be narcotics (chất gây ngủ hoặc đôi khi tạo ra trạng thái thờ thẫn; thuốc mê; ma túy) on the floorboard.

Court documents say the suspected narcotics tested positive for heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

The report adds that a backpack was found carrying approximately 20 unopened syringes (xi-lanh), along with a silver plastic bag with a small amount of marijuana (cần sa).

Deputies added that Mundy’s driver’s license (bằng lái xe) had expired (hết hạn) in July. She told deputies that she did have an up-to-date license, but it wasn’t with her at the time.

Bài trước: Chị được tự do
Tags: funny

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